Family Day Care Service & Coordination Units
Family Day Care Educators are supported by a Service of their choice. Each Service has at least one central office, often known as the Coordination Unit, located in metropolitan, rural and remote regions across Queensland.

Coordination Units support Educators, families and children
Professional Development
Useful Links

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority works with all governments to provide guidance, resources and services to support the sector to improve outcomes for children.

National Quality Framework
The NQF introduced a new quality standard in 2012 to improve education and care across long day care, family day care, preschool/kindergarten, and outside school hours care services.

Inclusion Support Queensland
ISA provides eligible early childhood education and care services with practical support that will help services to build their capacity to provide a quality inclusive environment for children with additional needs.

Multicultural Australia
Organisations working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) client groups need distinct cultural knowledge and expertise to deliver effective outcomes for their clients.

Let's Read
Let’s Read is a national, evidence-based early literacy initiative that promotes reading with children from birth to five years.

Family Day Care Matters
Family Day Care Matters is the weekly e-newsletter published by Family Day Care Australia, that keeps the family day care sector informed!

Kidsafe Queensland
Kidsafe is the leading non-government, not-for-profit charitable organisation, dedicated to preventing unintentional childhood injuries.

Noah's Ark
Noah’s Ark offers a range of services and programs that support children aged 0-8 with a range of disabilities, developmental delays and their families.
There are a range of legislative requirements that each Family Day Care Service (Approved Provider, Coordination Unit staff and Educators) must comply with. These include

Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations (ACECQA)

Family Assistance Act

Child Care Subsidy Minister’s Rules 2017

Child Care Subsidy Secretary’s Rules 2017
How to Apply Legislative Requirements
The documents below have been created using relevant legislation to support services to understand and apply requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
You are required to follow numerous steps to open a FDC service. These steps are outlined on the Australian Children Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) website - Opening a new service
The following course provides an overview of the application process and consideration for Family Day Care Service Approval. Please contact us if you require additional information and support and click here for the Provider and Service Approval resource.
To operate a service, you will need to apply for provider approval and service approval. You can apply for these online after registering an account on the NQA IT System
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